28 July 2010

What To Do...

So I have an issue.  No, not that one.  Nor that.  No.. Look, shuddup.

I have my name as a domain - www.DanEnglish.co.uk - and have done for a while now, but I am stuck slightly.  Stuck, in that I don't know what to do with it.  I was considering setting it to divert to the blog as well, but that...  I don't know, 0ddness is 0ddness, and diverting to domain names to it (assuming you even can!) just seems greedy!

Of course, the next issue I have is what to do with it... No point in starting another blog - 0ddness has that covered - but then, I'm not sure what else to do.  I don't take enough pictures to create a Tumblr or Flickr stream, I don't know enough to do something useful - while I can offer general help to people, I don't think I can make a site out of it.  There's only so much antivirus/antimalware/Windows Advice I can offer... So other than that, I'm not sure what to do with it...

Hopefully one day, I'll use it for something like a business or similar.  NO idea what I'd do with it or how I'd use it, but none the less, I'm glad I own it.  Just wish I knew what to do with it ;)

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