15 June 2010

Password Security

I like to think that I am pretty computer savvy.

No, scratch that.  I AM computer savvy, if you go by the number of calls that start with "I've just been on my computer and..."  And quite often here, or on various CHD Lists, I can be found banging on about computer security, software, and so on and so on.

So, this morning, going through the blogs I read, I came across Robert Gale's A Welsh View. He'd linked to a site that "rates" your password, telling you how long it'd take to crack.  The password of his he used ranked in at 154 Nonillion Years.  That's 154+ FIFTY FOUR zeros.

Now, I DO tend to use the same two passwords for my security.  The sites I'm not really worried about, I use what I consider a "weak" password, but my proper passwords I use a strong one.  Letters, numbers...

So, I put in my strong password for it to check, and... well...

Robert Gales Password "IN YEARS):

My Password (IN DAYS)

SOMETHING tells me I need to rework my password.

Anyways, the site you want to visit is the How Secure Is My Password site, and see how you rank :D


  1. In case you are interested it's 30 digits plus 1 letter and I can remember it all.

    I think it may take longer than 154 nonillion years too. The box wouldn't allow all of my password.

  2. Wow, then hats off even further :D I struggle to remember my own phone number - and I still don't know my mobile number after a year!

    Let's just hope you never have to log in during an earthquake ;)

  3. Ahhh most of the sites I want to use a strong password with are character restricted to 8 or 12 characters so I know mine will never be that good.

    Yet somehow I just couldn't bring myself to type my password just in case it was a dodgy site *laughs*

    Paranoia is probably the majority of my security :)

  4. I don't trust the site to put my password into it, but in all honesty I know my one and only password, the same one I used for everything is probably really crap, but I dare not change it as the one and only time I have ever tried to change my password, I forgot what it was and managed to lock myself out of my own email account, Doh!!!

  5. lol, mine was only 15 thousand years :o( I feel cheated lol.... my 'normal' password was only 3 days tho lol...

    If it takes longer than 10 years I would be happy as I change it more often than that lol..

    Although 15 thousand years, I would never have to change it as I would be dead and burried by the time they work it out...

  6. About 25 billion years for mine........ guess I'm safe hehe


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